Patreon is a membership platform that connects content creators with fans and supporters. The platform provides the opportunity for fans to subscribe to exclusive content and custom rewards provided by the creators at a small fee. It allows the creator to have a predictable income enabling them to create more content frequently.
The platform enables creators to establish multiple membership tiers. The number of tiers and the subscription rate at each level is left up to the creator. Higher tiers grant funders access to premium and exclusive content not otherwise available for supporters at lower levels. Patreon also provides a feature where fans can communicate with the creators directly. Unlike other crowd funding platforms where fans support a project that do not yet exist, patreon allows the fans to help the creators to continue publishing exclusive content. The idea is to give content creators a stable income for the work they do so that they can have the funds to continue production.
Reward Tiers
For first tier patrons will be rewarded with a high-resolution wallpaper based on the current comic title every month. Second tier patrons will be rewarded with everything in the first tier plus an exclusive ten-page comic episode of an upcoming comic book series every month. And finally, third tier patrons will receive everything in the previous tiers plus a monthly behind-the-scenes time-lapse video of the comic creation process. All tiers will have access to the Patreon community where we can all bond through discussions
Why Avandu is on Patreon
Ever since the inception of the studio, its driving force has been the passion to enlighten the world about the African culture. We really want to continue telling our stories without having to worry too much about whether our artists have enough to continue producing. Additionally, we want to increase our capacity to enable us to create more comics every year.
And this is the reason we have joined and are excited about Patreon because it is a platform that has given us the chance to invite our fans, who love our work and the stories we tell, to become part of our team as patrons who contribute to the production of these comics books. Moreover, it allows us to build a community with our fans and personally interact with our audience.
Are you an Avandu Patreon already? – Avandu Vosi
Hello. Yes we are. Please click the link and check it out.